SWISS First vs. Business Class

A lot of people wonder what the difference is between first and business class. Well, I was lucky enough to try both on SWISS, so let’s get into it.

Pre-boarding: I think this is where you experience by far the biggest difference between first and business class. When I flew first, I literally did not have to move a muscle or have a thought. There is no such thing as a line, from checking in to security to boarding to customs (SWISS had its own customs/immigration in Zurich exclusively for First class passengers) and beyond. You even get cars to take you straight from the plane to the lounge and back to your next plane. It was just absolutely insane.

Cabin: The first class cabin is much smaller, usually two and sometimes even just one row. There’s an aura of calmness in the cabin, and it really feels much closer to flying private than it does to flying business class. The level of intimacy is just through the roof.

Seat: You’ll find much wider seats, no narrow footwell, and sliding doors that double as a closet for maximum privacy in first class, as well as no chance of having any neighbors. There is just space galore for all your things, almost to a point where it is just ridiculous. Business class also gives you more than enough space for storage and laying out, but nothing compared to first class.

Entertainment: The TV in first class is significantly larger, but the entertainment system itself is the exact same. 

Food: The food in first class is truly a cut above. Like its all cooked to perfection, with the most decadent add ones like gold and caviar and fancy salmon things and proper salt and pepper shakers, the whole nine yards. Also the wine list is even more extensive. The whole meal takes like an hour and half to complete, which was almost excessive, but I enjoyed every second of it. Business class food is still great, don’t get me wrong, I was just blown away by the difference in quality, as I really did not think it could get much better than what I had experienced in all my flights in business class. 

Service: Okay honestly, SWISS service in business class was a fucking joke. They just did not want to be there. Absolute trash. One of the worst I have ever had, even in economy. SWISS first, meanwhile, was like heaven. They were so on top of their game, it was almost shocking. They call you by your name, know when you are awake and asleep, and can get you anything at any time during the flight. 

Overall: So first class will typically run you about 3x business class when buying with cash. But, every now and then, you can find random first class flights with miles (and, more rarely, with cash) that are around the same as business class! In my opinion, if you have the money to spend, your flight is more than 10 hours, and the cost of first is less than 3x business class, it actually is worth it. 

Oh, and once again, fuck the service on SWISS Business class.

That’s all!

Milad Rohani